real estate division dci

Managing All of DCI’s Real Estate Needs from One Place

When most people think about Real Estate there is always a question that seems to find its way to the front of most topics, “How much money is there to be made from a Real Estate deal?” One topic that is forgotten is, “How does the person buying the home feel, after they have purchased such a lifelong commitment”. DCI has grown to understand that once people make a great financial purchase the right way, they seem to want to continue to make great financial decisions that will continue to put them and their families in strong financial positions. Purchasing and building Duplex, Four-Plex or Apartment Complex units has come to be the life blood of DCI Real Estate purchasing. Sometimes when a family learns to see Real Estate purchases as a way to help them grow their asset and financial positions, a family can understand that having and maintaining added and extra income from a one-time purchase, can lead to making other solid decisions for their financial growth. DCI will continue to help their clients with these kinds of transactions that are solid growth avenues for everyone involved

Residential Division

Duplex Homes Acquisitions Department

Fourplex Homes Acquisitions Department

Commercial Property Division

Apartment Complex Acquisitions Department

Commercial Complex Acquisitions Department

Real Estate Research & Development Department

Single Family Homes

Duplexes & Fourplexes

Apartment Complexes

Commercial Complexes