importing & exporting division dci

Solving all of your Importing/Exporting needs from one place
Global Buddy International & Domestic Agents
View Global Buddy Agents

International Deal Structuring Agents
Domestic Deal Structuring Agents
International Buying Agents
Domestic Buying Agents
Buying Agents Application

Most Deals are structured In and Out of these countries but not limited too:

United States
South America

Parceled Domestic Deals:
View Parceled Domestic Deals You Can Join
Parceled International Deals:
View Parceled International Deal You Can Join

The reason why DCI chose Importing and Exporting as a down line is because Importing and Exporting has always been one of the Corner Stones of DCI cash flows. Goods have been traded amongst people and places since the beginning of time. DCI has built numerous people in different countries over time and this infrastructure of people and products has allowed DCI to forgo most risk factors within the import export arena. DCI is constantly adding new people and products towards building this area of our company.